Couples Counseling?

Now that the majority of us are working from home with our significant others, the meaning behind the phrase, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder” has never been more clear! If you and your significant other are struggling to get along, co-parent, or just co-exist in the same space all day long, these tips are for you!

Schedule Time Apart. As funny as it sounds, it is very important that you have time to yourself. For some, this may be 20 minutes here orthere. For others, this may be entire evenings spent in separate rooms. There is no right or wrong or “should”. Talk to your partner about what you need and schedule it!

Break the rules. If both of you are working from home and trying to take care of children simultaneously, start thinking outside of the box for ways to make this more manageable. Can you change your work schedule from the typical 9 to 5? Maybe work fewer hours during the week but make them up over the weekend? Or, pick a couple of days per week where one of you works earlier in the morning or later in the evening so childcare during the day is easier. Alternatively, reach out to your child’s teacher to see if they can complete more of their assignments over the weekend so you are more available to help them.

Use your time wisely. Use this time to find new ways to connect with your partner. Have a game night or complete a project together. Or, both of you write down 5 fun things to do together and each day pick one out of a hat.

Give your partner a break. Just as you are feeling the stress of everything that is happening, so is your partner. Remember to check in and see how they are doing and ask what they need to feel supported. Remember, it is OK if their needs are different than yours!

~Dr. Sam