Screen Time & Young Children

If you had asked us 2 weeks ago, our response to how much screen time your toddler or young child should get would have been much different. But, we understand that we all need to adapt to our children being home all day and us, as caregivers, needing time to work or maintain our own sanity! Here are a couple of tips to occupy your little ones...

1. Try to pick educational shows and videos and watch them with your child. Ask your children questions about what they are watching. For toddlers, point out new words or concepts: "Look! A big elephant and a small elephant. Two Elephants!" Then take out a stuffed elephant and talk about the similarities/differences. 

2. For slightly older children, ask questions about how characters are feeling and what might happen next in the story.

3. There are many interactive videos on YouTube Kids that you can do with your child. Try a video on sign-language or yoga with your child! 

4. Use a video to create an educational lesson. For example, watch a video with a song about the days of the week, and then look at a calendar and talk about what the day, date, month is, etc...

Be sure to alternate activities so the use of an iPad or TV is only 30 or so minutes at a time. This might also be a good reinforcer for good behavior... "If you can play quietly for 30 minutes, then we will do a video together!" 

If you need your child to watch something so you can get a much needed break, do it and let go of the guilt. These are unchartered waters and your ability to stay calm with your child is most important!

~ Dr. Sam