
Many schools are now closed for another month, if not longer. Many parents are feeling the stress of trying to fill their child’s day with academics so they “don’t fall behind”. This is a brief reminder that the power struggles and tears are not worth it. Unless your child has online learning or actual assignments being given to them with deadlines, it is OK to ease up a bit and focus more on natural learning. Here is what we mean:

1. Make dinner together (math and measurement).

2. Have your child create a game or activity for the family. If you have multiple children, each child can be in charge of one night (planning, organizing, leadership skills). 

3. Read to your child. Pick a bigger, fun book and read a chapter every night before bed (language skills, social skills, a reminder that reading can be fun and relaxing!). 

4. Play school. Have your child teach you (academic skills, leadership, pretend play = social/emotional development)!

5. Let your child help with projects around the house. Maybe something is broken that needs to be fixed or painted? Clean out a closet and have your child help sort what should be kept versus donated (basic life skills, fine motor skills, problem solving). 

Remember, home comes first (before school) and there are no rules for this situation. Being with your child, including them in what you are doing, engaging yourself in what they are doing is AMAZING and teaching them very important skills and lessons. Trust us, your child is learning and growing and will not be behind. In fact, your child just might be in a more self-secured, emotionally healthy place that will enhance their ability to learn once he/she returns to school!

~Dr. Sam